Accepted _Ascended_'s Application for EM


- In-game name: _Ascended_
- Age: 13
- Date joined server: 6/9/20
- Current playtime: 12d 10h 34m
- Why you want this job: I want this job because I love nature and animals, and I really love helping them. I also like keeping the wild clean and healthy. If I were an EM, I would make sure to keep the wild clean of eyesores and unwanted structures. I would also make sure the wild looks natural. I love helping animals in need, and I would be happy to help locate pets that have been left behind or deserted by their owners, as it makes me feel sad for the poor animals. I would love to give them a second chance. I would also love to help make sure the agriculture chest shop is running well. As an EM I would help make sure that the jobs, rancher, farmer, and lumberjack are safe, and are following all rules and regulations.
- Additional Information: I have been an EM for about 2 months before, and I quit due to stress and being overwhelmed. I also have volunteered and helped the disabled animals at our local sanctuary before in real life.


Staff member
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Internal Development
YES back to EM nerd >:) <3


Mayor of Covington


Congratulations, _Ascended_! Your application for Environment Manager has been accepted.
