Denied _CitrusTea's application for Police Officer


- In-game name: _CitrusTea
- Age: 12
- Date joined server: 9 months ago (the history is broken and it says i joined 7 months ago but i didnt)
- Current playtime: 11d 6h 16m 6s
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I simply want to become a Police Officer not for the money but to help out the community and bring justice to the server, i will be capable of withstanding many obstacles that come my way and i will make sure to bring good behavior and justice.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can help the server out in numerous ways, I would be a good Police Officer because I'm active and love to help out the community.
- Additional Information: I will stop crimes no matter what, even if they try to bribe or trick me i will never fall for such a joke, and i will always forgive someone for anything they have done to me, like if they made fun of me or destroyed my building. I will be an amazing Police Officer in my opinion and i will never let the DOJ down.


Staff member
Member of Parliament
Department of Justice
Department of Construction


Sorry, your application for Police Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Improving but not mature enough for the position yet
