Accepted A1phaSniper Application for Entrepreneur Shop Access


The Airplane Guy
- In-game name: A1phaSniper
- Company name: Happy inc.
- Date joined server: July 16, 2017
- Current playtime: 24 days, 20 hours, and 23 minutes
- What does your company specify in? Happy Inc. is currently focused with creating apartments, real estate assistance, and humane villager trading. We have also recently added the "Bunker-Tec" branch that will service the community by offering affordable bunkers. Happy Inc. Has also expanded into the grocery store with plans to make shops in the mall.
- How long has your company been operating? For a little under a year now
- Tell us about your company: Our company goal is to please the people of Businesscraft with affordable apartments and beautiful underground homes. Happy Inc. started with an ugly apartment building and has moved up with the addition of four new plots and another currently in construction. Although my company has hit some rough patches regarding money, we have recently prospered with our most recent projects.
- Additional Information: The name Happy Inc. came from a project I had in my architecture class where I had to design a bridge and we taped the name "Happy Inc." to the side.


Thank you for applying! Your application is under review and will receive a response shortly.


Congratulations A1phaSniper, your application for Entrepreneur Shop Access has been accepted.
You will receive access once the shop is ready.