Answered / Added Add the Department of Environment and Energy


Add the Department of Environment and Energy

- Username
: BoneBreaker101
- Suggestion Title: Add the Department of Environment and Energy
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.): We need the Department of Environment and Energy because it will promote green spaces, which is essential to the real world as much as it should be here, because:
a) This server is trying to create a realistic legal system, this includes apartments
b) This would promote parks, green space to be applied throughout the city, and promoting this would make the city look like a better place to live.
c) This would support not for profit organisations making places like this.
d) It would make citizens aware of the beauties Minecraft has to offer, and how we should preserve it.
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): No
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No):
- Additional Information: Please reply on this post, or message me on Discord or optionally talk to me on Minecraft about this if you need any further information, or you are not convinced this is needed.

Thank You for reading, and I hope you have a good day.

- Bone
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Hello! I think that this is a great idea! Some other ideas that could possibly be added to this department could be dealing with recycling certain items, like things people usually throw away. This department could help find new uses for items that are often thrown away. This department could also possibly deal with repairing land in certain places, and maybe help buildings fit in with the environment.


Hello! I think that this is a great idea! Some other ideas that could possibly be added to this department could be dealing with recycling certain items, like things people usually throw away. This department could help find new uses for items that are often thrown away. This department could also possibly deal with repairing land in certain places, and maybe help buildings fit in with the environment.
Definitely! Also, may I please be updated on when you introduce this role? I would love to apply for it!