Rescinded Amendment to the Parliamentary Standing Rules Act


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
Amendment to Parliamentary Standing Rules Act


Regulate the issuing and punishment of SoP warning points and provide accountability for all members of Parliament.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the Amendment to Parliamentary Standings Act

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions will come into effect upon signage of this bill.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Although the constitution allows the SoP the ability to issue warning points to MPs for unparliamentary conduct, this is entirely a discretionary ability, with no guide for issuing or punishing them.

(2) This bill aims to both consolidate the standards of conduct for the Member of Parliament in one location, and to provide a guide for future Speakers of Parliament to react if they should fail to reach that standard of conduct.

Section 4. Enactment:

(1)Upon signage of this bill, minor edits will be made to the Parliamentary Standing Rules Act’s formatting to ease readability.
(a)All section headings will be bolded.

(b) All numbered lists in sub-subheadings will be changed to lettered lists.

(2) Upon signage of this bill, the following text shall be amended to the end of the Parliamentary Standing Rules Act.
Section 8. Standards of Parliamentary Conduct

(1) The duties of a Member of Parliament are as follows:

(a)Every member of parliament shall, without fail, vote on every piece of Legislation announced to them within the period it is open for voting, OR fill out an absentee ballot no more than 48 hours after the voting has closed. If a Member of Parliament will be unable to vote on any single bill, they must inform the Speaker via message or intermediary before the absentee ballot window has closed. Absentee Ballots shall have the following format:

In-game Name:


Reason for Missing Vote:

(b) Every member of Parliament shall act in accordance with all established server rules and laws at all times.

(c)Every member of Parliament shall only participate in legislative business only when at least 3 members of parliament are present.

(d) Every member of Parliament shall, without fail, attend every scheduled Parliamentary meeting announced 72 hours or more in advance. If they are unable to do so, they should inform the parliament, SoP, PM, or DPM via either message or intermediary, no less than 12 hours before the event occurs.

(2) Members of Parliament should always speak in a noble, dignified, and respectful manner.

(a) Every member of Parliament shall give due respect to all persons, regardless of all external factors.

(b) Every member of Parliament shall speak in a manner befitting a representative of a Government, with no excess in profanity or hurtful speech directed towards another player.

(c) Every member of Parliament shall respect the opinions of others and shall not put down or degrade another individual for their personal beliefs.

(3) Every member of Parliament, in Minecraft, shall remain politically loyal only to the server of BusinessCraft.

(a) Holding or applying for a legislative, executive, or judicial office in the government of any foreign entity is strictly forbidden.

(b) Committing any High Crimes is strictly forbidden.

(c) Violating non-compete is strictly forbidden.

(4) Every member of Parliament shall attempt to only propose legislation that is in full agreement with the constitution and pre-existing legislation.

(a) Members of Parliament shall not be punished for unwittingly proposing legislation that contradicts the constitution, but any member of parliament who sees an act of legislation that they recognize as unconstitutional should make every reasonable effort to inform the author.
(b)No Member of Parliament shall propose any legislation that meaningfully changes pre-existing sections of current legislation

Section 9. Parliamentary Warning Points & Punishments

(1) Parliamentary Warning Points will be issued entirely at the discretion of the Speaker of Parliament and can only be issued for unparliamentary conduct or failing to adhere to the duties of a Member of Parliament.

(2) Parliamentary Warning Points are subject to the same standards as any other fine or punishment on the server of BusinessCraft. This means that:

(a) No Member of Parliament shall receive two warnings for the same offense.

(b) No Member of Parliament shall receive a warning for offenses committed outside of the BusinessCraft server and its affiliated forums and channels or against individuals who are not citizens of BusinessCraft, with the sole exception of Members of Parliament who hold or apply for office in foreign entities.

(3) Upon the signing of a petition by the majority of the Members of Parliament AND approval of the Prime Minister, Parliament may also give the Speaker of Parliament warnings for violations of the Standards of Parliamentary Conduct.

(3) Parliamentary Warning Points will be fined in the following manner:

(a) 1st Warning in a term: 50 krunas fine

(b) 2nd Warning in a term: 150 krunas fine

(c) 3rd Warning in a term: 500 krunas fine

(d) Each additional warning will add an additional 100 krunas to the fine, so the 4th warning will be fined 600 krunas, the 5th, 600 krunas, etc.

(4) The DoJ shall be responsible to punish Parliamentary Warning Points. t is the responsibility of the DoJ, when contacted by the SoP and informed that a Member of Parliament has been warned, to administer the correct fine and punishment and keep a record of each warning point.

(a)The DoJ shall keep a record of each Warning Point administered, as well as who it is administered to, how many offenses that MP has received that term, and for what the warning was issued. They may keep record of this in any way they see fit, so long as the necessary information is retrievable upon request by the PM, DPM, SoP, or a MP.

(b)The DoJ shall administer Parliamentary Warning Points as a civil offense.

(5) Parliamentary Warning Points will only stack for the duration of each term, so a Member of Parliament warned twice in a June-August term will only be fined 50 krunas if they are warned again in the August-October term.

Authored by violetunknown on behalf of themselves
Last edited:


Member of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Economy
In-game name: XinmjirGamingHQ
Vote: Aye
Reason for missing vote: Had an event to attend yesterday that I spent the last few days preparing for.

P. Hunter

Chief Justice
Chief Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of Construction
Chief Justice

This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.