Denied Anonymous_063 Business Grant for Covington State Natural Park


Application for a Government Business Grant
- In-game name: Anonymous_063
- Company name: Covington State Natural Park
- Date joined server: Dec 2017
- Current playtime: 22d 5h 22m 38s
- Which grant are you requesting: Start up Business Grant
- Amount requesting: 5,000
- What would the grant be used for? The money will be used for Regioning the park so that the park is protected from damages and poachers while serving the public in tourist attraction.
- Do you have a detailed plan for the project? Currently, I am the sole-caretaker of the Covington State Natural Park. I created the park as part of my Agriculture project to see if it is something I can create server wide in other major cities as part of a city tour attraction. The park serves as an attraction stop from BC to Covington for any travelers.
The Park will cost around 200,000kr for regioning the whole park. People can donate to the park for up-keep and upgrades to the park. Donors will get their names on the "Donor Hall" wall in the park. The park will be free once the regioning is payed.​
- Additional Information: If you would like to see the park project or have any questions, please feel free to DM me on discord.
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