Denied Application for Enviromental Manager - Maddie_N


- In-game name: maddie-n
- Age: 16
- Date joined server: About a month and a half ago.
- Current playtime: 7.25 days
- Why do you want to be an Environment Manager: I would love to become an EM because first off i love animals, I care for them and believe they are important. I am very passionate about making the wild warps natural and i want to help fix the state of them especially after people mine big holes in the ground to collect materials. I can see people dig large holes in warp 4 and that is something i would definitely like to sort out!
- Additional Information: Im on BC alot, i am on mostly when there is only a few people due to timezones so there's not many/any Ems online. I would love to change that!


- In-game name: maddie-n
- Age: 16
- Date joined server: About a month and a half ago.
- Current playtime: 7.25 days
- Why do you want to be an Environment Manager: I would love to become an EM because first off i love animals, I care for them and believe they are important. I am very passionate about making the wild warps natural and i want to help fix the state of them especially after people mine big holes in the ground to collect materials. I can see people dig large holes in warp 4 and that is something i would definitely like to sort out!
- Additional Information: Im on BC alot, i am on mostly when there is only a few people due to timezones so there's not many/any Ems online. I would love to change that!
Good luck Maddie!


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Department of Internal Development
Mayor of Lexford
Good luck maddie!


Mayor of Covington


Sorry, your application for Environment Manager has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


We don't currently believe you're a good fit for the DoA. In the meantime, you are welcome to become a Landscaper!
