Lawsuit: Adjourned bnked Vs _CitrusTea

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On 2/16/2020, I was walking around the streets near spawn and I saw a person disguised as a chicken and I just went over to it. A good 3 seconds later, _CitrusTea started punching me into a nearby river. In total, I took 5 and a half hearts of damage. I then proceeded to call /911 and press charges as I was on my way to a store to wright a news article and ended up missing my chance causing me to lose around 150ish krunas from possible sales of the article.

ReaperEduardo (He was the chicken)

(Note: When near ReaperEduardo, I shifted and I do believe that _CitrusTea may have thought that I was doing you-know-what to the chicken.... however I was not.)


Post thread posted, _CitrusTea just told me He will get revenge and i'm not sure if thats a threat or what not.


@_CitrusTea is hereby summoned to the court to acknowledge the case. If the Defendant, @_CitrusTea , does not acknowledge the case as a reply in 2 days, the case will close in the Plaintiff's favor.

Court is in Session

This case is presided by Judge _Info_ Bear in mind to not reply to court cases unless summoned by the Judge!


honestly this is annoying why do I have to do this im not paying her anything
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bnked when I said I would get revenge I didn't mean I would kill u or anything, it was a joke that u took too literally, ur childish for starting a cause because of this, learn some sense, I knocked u into a lake 1 time, I got arrested for it and sued, nobody was gonna buy ur books, nobody buys books on this server, everyone agrees with me that u are being extremely childish and unreasonable about this, no matter if I meant I would actually get revenge, that's not worth starting a case over, next time whenever u do anything to me i'll sue u and do the same thing to show u how annoying it is to be as childish as u are, now if u excuse me, close this case because it is not worth _Info's_ time, he is too good for this. Goodbye and don't start cases over useless unnecessary thing ever.


On Feb 19th, 2020 Asteodia (bnked) made a case against _CitrusTea.

Given the defendants testimony I will be awarding the plaintiff 150 Krunas as requested in the opening statement.

Also, I am finding the Defendant guilty of verbal harassment against Bnked as seen in this case. Fining another 50 Krunas to be awarded to the Plaintiff.


Court Adjourned

This case was presided by Judge _Info_
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