Bye bye


Member of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Internal Development
Department of Justice
Department of Public Affairs
Hello everyone,

This will be officially my final message to Businesscraft. For those to whom this is very unexpected, I am sorry, but it shall be like this. I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this through and for getting to know my one final time, before I slowly disappear out of existence in the Businesscraft universe.

September 25, 2023, about 10 months and a half ago, I started my journey on Businesscraft. I didn't really play that much at the time and just created my own small place in the wild. mid- October I stopped playing due to unrelated mental health issues and I became inactive on Businesscraft for a few months. In January I logged on again, surprised that my unregioned wild base wasn't compromised, but it was a nice advantage to start expanding from. I started become more and more active and even joined VC's a few times, just to be more involved with the community. In no time, I had finally enough money to buy my first own place in the Suburbs. I spent the entirety of February creating a home theater in my basement to use for a privately hosted version of Businesscraft Got Talent, a.k.a. BCGT, along with my co-host Seafeer. Unbeknownst to any of us, this was normally done by the Department of Public Affairs, but they let us do our little project anyways. On February 29th , I applied and got accepted into the Department of Justice as a trainee officer. This was my first government job and would be the start of a lot of my involvement in the community. I worked hard on all levels and a month passed by. I was extremely active and after BCGT was decently successful for a first event hosted in ones basement, I managed to get a job in the Department of Public Affairs. I started to work on several projects including a trivia quiz, which I hosted with 9402 and a minecraft version of the TV show "the mole", which was never officially hosted. At the end of May I started a book series "My little dinosaur and I", a story about a boy who is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), in the style of the Little Prince. People loved my work and I released the first 2 parts very rapidly. Unfortunately Businesscraft will never know what happened next to Nathan and Echo. My work in the government increased rapidly and at the end of June, I had a job in the DoJ, the DoPA, the DoID, the DoH and the parliament. I love serving the community and working behind the scenes on entertainment projects. In July, I applied for the position of junior moderator. Being part of the staff team was for me the final puzzle piece to what I wanted to do for the community. I was extremely thrilled to do my work on there.

Now that you've read this, you might be wondering why I am sharing it. I do this, because I don't want to be remembered broken, although I am. I don't want people to grief that I am gone, but much rather that they relive the memories they had with me with a smile on their face. Unfortunately I cannot stay in the Businesscraft community, because as I have said before, I am broken.

If you would have asked me around February what Businesscraft was for me, I would say "my safe haven". Businesscraft was my place to be, whenever I felt sad or down. It was the world of my imagination, put into reality through a block game. I made a lot of friends and saw some people come and some people go. About 2 months ago it all started. Some people started to become rude towards me for not really any reason. They were mad about things that happened inside the symbolic walls of Stratham, but had to work it out on my, with the consequence of me feeling the real pain outside of it. A friend of mine got targeted several times by an individual, just because of who she was. It hurt me a lot at the time and still hurts as I am telling you this story. Over time in June it started getting worse, as I had managing functions in the departments and a staff position, in which I had to tell some unfortunate news to people, they started targetting me and hurting me in real life. People had to take things outside of Businesscraft and sometimes even tried to make me look a bad person, or at least gave me the feeling I was one, by the way they talked about me publicly regardless of me being around. In July an incident in the staff team took place which took a really big hit on my mental health involving staff members who acted rudely and patronizing towards me and my friends, or at least gave me this feeling. At this point my health was in critical condition. I did cry myself to sleep several times over things that happened or said in Businesscraft, just out of doubt of myself. Some conversations, although many people assured me the claims made by those involved were untrue or unjustified, really hurt me a lot and made me doubt myself. I started thinking about what I did wrong to make other people deserve this and whether I could have prevented stuff by shutting up, although it wasn't right to not say anything about it.
This month was the most scary one of them all for me. Some of the candidates for the position of prime minister and their deputy, believed I was a good fit in their cabinet, but then, as I was concerned, I got attacked with passive aggression. Some people publicly saying that I was bad at my job. Although a lot of this was probably just propaganda and "not meant seriously" , at this point my mental health was so low that there always was this voice in my head that assured me what these people said. Businesscraft, the once a safe place for me to flee to whenever I felt down, had now become one of the reasons I couldn't sleep at night.

I had decided to leave if I would not be part of the cabinet (in other words: if these candidates would not win the election) , not out of jealousy or anything like that, but because I did not need to worry about responsibility then, which is a big deal for me. Unfortunately the moment the election results were in and I , alongside with a couple friends who were kind of like-minded, started packing our bags, my heart had to be broken one final time. Tuesday night, an individual publicly claimed that we were "killing the vibe that they want" and accused us of leaving because our cabinet didn't win the elections. Although I wasn't attacked personally with this message, I felt really hurt, as we agreed on this decision together with a bunch of people, because we were hurt and fed up and just didn't have the energy anymore to fight back against this, hence why we decided to leave.
But this final incident really showed me that some people don't understand when things go beyond a block game. When things actually break people. When things actually break me.

To my friends, thank you for the good times, laughter, and support. Your presence made my experience here meaningful, and I am forever grateful. To those who feel spoken to by my account of pain, I hope my departure prompts you to reflect on your actions and seek to change for the better. It’s never too late to grow and choose kindness.

I want to say thank you for the good times I had on BC, but unfortunately, the safe haven it was for me, is no more. Goodbye



Department of State
Department of State
Department of Economy
Department of Public Affairs


Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Justice
Department of Public Affairs
Health Minister
Spy all of us will miss you. I didn’t know you for long but I have made great memories with you. I can speak for all of us when I say we will miss you a lot. You have made so so many accomplishments on this server and have been great in everything you’ve done. I’ve loved working with you on the staff team and DoJ. Good luck


Los Angeles Enjoyer
I ain't readin allat, love you spy, so glad we shared time together as criminal and police officer and you were an amazing cop by the way


Department of Public Affairs
Department of Public Affairs
Hey! I never really liked you alot but i did love reading your book the little dinasour one..... idk why we didn't go well together but still your presence will be missed at least for me it will...Goodbye Spy


Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Public Affairs Minister
we will miss u


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Executive Office
Department of Public Affairs
Special Advisor
Much love for you and yours spy, may the world smile upon you in your next chapter of life. Also how dare you not release the end of your book series, that is a crime >:(


Member of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Bye spy it’s gonna be rough loosing a talented and determined player. You’ll always be the number 1 farmer in my heart.


The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development

I didn't know you well, but I am sorry you had to go through what you said happened causing you to leave the community.

Best of luck with your future endeavors outside of BC.

Take care,



Department of State
Department of State
Department of Economy
Department of Public Affairs
Bye bye spy its been a Honestly u been a Great Great Sergeant and it has been a honor