- Business Owner Name: byeSprite
- Company HQ Location (Plot name/XYZ): occ-22 for official business, soon will move to the Capital
- List of Employees: byeSprite (Manager, Writer), PeachLemon__ (Councilor, Chef), MegaMinerM (Gunsmoth)
- Services Provided, if any: Philanthropy work for new or struggling players, loans with low interest rates, eventually move into providing affordable housing as well as affordable shop regions. Currently working on a walkable community of sorts for newer players along the waterfront that will feature shops and apartments. If feasible, we plan to also work towards offering pro bono legal services.
- Sort of Goods Provided, if any: N/A
- Discord Username: natedawg#8737
- Discord Link for Business: https://discord.gg/C7hxxgC