Government Cabinet Reports [May 2024]


Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
Mayor of Ocean City
Public Affairs Minister
Dept. of State: Minister Topte

Department Progress
The department is hosting the Parliament Elections right now. We have set up a monthly report system for mayors to be able to see progress. The National Archives has been established and procedures for collecting documents and data are in the works.

Upcoming Projects
- Running a national census
- Running an approval ratings poll
- implementing programs to advertise towns and help Mayors
- Potential for Olympics planning to take place soon

Additional Notes

Dept. of Economy: Minister Ancastal

Department Progress
The department continues to work on keeping government spending in check and to find fair sources of revenue for the government. Our latest proposal is being considered within the cabinet. We plan on releasing new regulations for the private banking sector and to change radically government salaries.

Upcoming Projects
- Releasing a proposal for government salaries
- Working with the cabinet to enforce new fiscal policies

Additional Notes

Dept. of Justice: Minister SpaceSlayer_

Department Progress

The department hired Trainee Officer _Evachu_ as of May 6th, 2024.

Finalized the exam and job guide for 'Bounty Hunter' and almost finished with the script. When the script is complete and bug-free the needed information will be sent to the admin team for the features to be added

Upcoming Projects
The request for departmental-issued firearms is still in progress and under review by the admin team, however, the recipes, and stats of the firearms are complete, awaiting the addition from the admin team before requesting the department of economy to add a sell shop for the resources required to manufacture the firearms.

In progress of developing the ability to rob various location around the map, the script is almost complete, awaiting for Speaker of Parliament to create a bill with the discussed laws regarding the feature.

Additional Notes
The Department of Justice is always recruiting new officers! However, applicants are to use the appropriate application format as well as join the Department's discord server. Applications are done on the forums

Dept. of Public Affairs: Minister fluffybaldie

Department Progress

We've made some good progress this month—internally and with events. An activity sweep was conducted, resulting in some Community Coordinators being fired and others being put on a Leave of Absence. We've also noticed that CCs have a habit of starting several new projects but not finishing or hosting them. To avoid this, we reorganized the discord, making it easier to keep track of who is working on what projects each month, and CCs are now being pushed to either drop or host events that they've had sitting for 2+ months.

In preparation for Pride Month, we've accomplished building and setting up the new Pride-themed DoPA Park with some exciting, exclusive items for sale: A variety of pride flags, Pride Boots that give Haste II, and a new Pride Bird pet that can change its appearance to match a pride flag of your choosing! The Pride Pier also made a return in the new Ocean City with new rides for everyone to enjoy. You can visit the Pride Pier by using the sign in the City Tours hut at spawn.

The senior team had a meeting to go over tasks that need to be done regularly, as well as raising ideas to keep track of activity and training new CCs.

Upcoming Projects
Apart from the Pride Park and Pride Pier, we have many more events prepared for Pride Month, so keep a look out in the #events-announcements channel on discord! In addition, we haven't had any discord events in a while, so we'll be looking into hosting those again in the future.

Most of our other upcoming plans involve improving department infrastructures, including continuing to make progress on a shorter tour script, updating forum guides, updating monthly reports, and creating an internal event schedule to better communicate the scheduling of events within the team.

Starting in July, construction on the DoPA venue (locations for hosting DoPA and non-department events) will resume. The DoID has been informed about this project and we will be working in collaboration with them to accomplish this. The DoPA venue has not been a priority until recently simply due to it not being a requirement to host events.

Additional Notes
We're always looking for new Community Coordinators to bring some fresh event ideas to the department. Apply for CC if you enjoy hosting fun events for the community and helping new players learn to love BC!

Dept. of Internal Development: Minister Mickichu

Department Progress
One of the biggest progresses made this month is the new Property Inspector guide. This guide has not been updated since the job was created. Now, the guide clearly states the Laws, explains what it is the PI's do along with report formats and general information listed all in the guide.

The DoID hired 9402 as Senior Property Inspector. This role was not introduced when the job, property inspector, was reintroduced last term due to low activity initially within the department. However, now that the department has grown a substantial amount, and reports are consistently being made, it was decided to reintroduce the Senior PI role. A survey was announced to the current property inspectors, with only two applying. The Senior PI is tasked with training property inspectors, keeping on top of land laws, keeping an eye on pi reports on forums as well as managing tickets relating to property inspector duties in the DoID discord.

We have had a huge influx in build requests, and the constructors have been doing well with managing a couple at a time and speedily working through them. There are a few which have taken longer than expected; this is due to the request and availability of the DoID team. With all the new requests, we have managed to get some good training completed with the new interns. Both myself and the Senior Constructor, DemonWolf_101, have both been assisting interns on all their projects and having them work with us on our own projects.

A small update: I went through a department discord cleanup. There is still much to do, as the department discord is so large, but a lot of this will happen gradually over time. Hoping to have the discord fully completed by the end of this month.

We have not had monthly reports in quite some time, but this month I had asked constructors to each submit a monthly report. All of these are logged with the Senior team to keep track on activity. The Senior PI had also done this with property inspectors, basing it on the number of reports they had submitted during May. We are hoping to reintroduce this with Rangers towards the end of June.

Upcoming Projects
Updating the ticket tool in the discord.

Finalising any outstanding laws for the department.

Updating Animal Rights.

More focus on Rangers and finishing group projects.

Again... more builds :>

Additional Notes
We are in need of Rangers!! If you have an interest in the Wild and showing the beauty of nature, join the DoID and apply for Ranger. You will receive tools to help with the job, a cool office and materials. The pay is also good ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

Dept. of Health: Minister Windows_Dog

Department Progress
With the department being reinstated recently, we have decided to open the DoH exams until the Health-related plugins get updated.

Upcoming Projects
The health plugin is being updated so that will be our main priority. New things coming soon!

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