Staff member
Prime Minister
Minister of Economy
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Prime Minister
[Capital Districts Act]
Define Districts within the capital lands and limitations placed on them.
The Council of Stratham Enacts:
Section 1. Short Title
(1)This act is the [Capital Districts Act]
Section 2. Commentmance
(1) Provisions shall come into effect immediately unless specified
(2) All current bills related to these are in effect until the new map is released, after the new map is released, this bill supersedes.
Section 3. Reasoning
(1). This bill is to define districts and how the DoC takes care of them, as well as implement the build style for BC Capital land.
Section 4. Definition of a District
(1) A district is a named area within the capital that includes build heights and restrictions and shall be named similar to what the area is purposed for, The DoC shall maintain a map of districts and outlines on the Forums
Section 5. Implementation of Districts
(1) The Initial districts will be laid out before the new map is released and will be placed in the DoC Forums section, these will be the initial Districts the community is given to work with and will include build heights and restrictions given.
(2) To expand the government capital and addition districts shall follow the process that follows:
(a) The DoC Minister shall develop a plan of action document listing the Reasoning for the expansion, Name of the area, the District Limitations, and how the expansion will take place.
(b) The DoC Minister will submit this document to the Council of Ministers to vote on, to pass requires full agreement from the Council (This is to make sure it is the best for the Community)
(c ) Once passed the DoC will initiate and finish construction of roads and area development before opening it up to what the area is proposed for.
Section 6. DoC Enforcement and Organization
(1) Department of Construction shall be in charge of enforcement of District limitations
(a) The DoC shall maintain a list of districts and a map layout on the forums under a subsection under Department of Construction -> Districts
(b) The DoC Shall enforce the plot limitations and restrictions, and shall maintain a document on the forums in the Districts section with what limitations are placed
(c) Property Inspectors will be utilized to enforce the limitations through forum eviction reports utilizing the PI guide and District posts
Section 7. Capital Build Style Policy
(1)Stratham Realism
Stratham Realism is defined as any style you will find in a modern city today that feels/looks like it belongs to the Businesscraft Capital, to include but not subject to only these styles; Modern, Art deco, Colonial, Neoclassical, Greek revival, Federal, Contemporary, Mediterranean.
It is strongly encouraged to make your building fit into its area and feel like it belongs as well as that it resonates with the spawn of Businesscraft or what is around the building
(2)These styles of buildings are highly discouraged (Subject to approval by DoC) Brutalist, Mid Century Modern, Tudor, Streamline Modern , Cottage core, Medieval, Futuristic, Steampunk Fantasy, and Extreme colors
(3)Property inspectors will also be advised while deciding on eyesores to ask these questions: "Does this building fit in" and "How can I suggest to make it better"
Authored by DoubbleKerius on Behalf of the DoC
Define Districts within the capital lands and limitations placed on them.
The Council of Stratham Enacts:
Section 1. Short Title
(1)This act is the [Capital Districts Act]
Section 2. Commentmance
(1) Provisions shall come into effect immediately unless specified
(2) All current bills related to these are in effect until the new map is released, after the new map is released, this bill supersedes.
Section 3. Reasoning
(1). This bill is to define districts and how the DoC takes care of them, as well as implement the build style for BC Capital land.
Section 4. Definition of a District
(1) A district is a named area within the capital that includes build heights and restrictions and shall be named similar to what the area is purposed for, The DoC shall maintain a map of districts and outlines on the Forums
Section 5. Implementation of Districts
(1) The Initial districts will be laid out before the new map is released and will be placed in the DoC Forums section, these will be the initial Districts the community is given to work with and will include build heights and restrictions given.
(2) To expand the government capital and addition districts shall follow the process that follows:
(a) The DoC Minister shall develop a plan of action document listing the Reasoning for the expansion, Name of the area, the District Limitations, and how the expansion will take place.
(b) The DoC Minister will submit this document to the Council of Ministers to vote on, to pass requires full agreement from the Council (This is to make sure it is the best for the Community)
(c ) Once passed the DoC will initiate and finish construction of roads and area development before opening it up to what the area is proposed for.
Section 6. DoC Enforcement and Organization
(1) Department of Construction shall be in charge of enforcement of District limitations
(a) The DoC shall maintain a list of districts and a map layout on the forums under a subsection under Department of Construction -> Districts
(b) The DoC Shall enforce the plot limitations and restrictions, and shall maintain a document on the forums in the Districts section with what limitations are placed
(c) Property Inspectors will be utilized to enforce the limitations through forum eviction reports utilizing the PI guide and District posts
Section 7. Capital Build Style Policy
(1)Stratham Realism
Stratham Realism is defined as any style you will find in a modern city today that feels/looks like it belongs to the Businesscraft Capital, to include but not subject to only these styles; Modern, Art deco, Colonial, Neoclassical, Greek revival, Federal, Contemporary, Mediterranean.
It is strongly encouraged to make your building fit into its area and feel like it belongs as well as that it resonates with the spawn of Businesscraft or what is around the building
(2)These styles of buildings are highly discouraged (Subject to approval by DoC) Brutalist, Mid Century Modern, Tudor, Streamline Modern , Cottage core, Medieval, Futuristic, Steampunk Fantasy, and Extreme colors
(3)Property inspectors will also be advised while deciding on eyesores to ask these questions: "Does this building fit in" and "How can I suggest to make it better"
Authored by DoubbleKerius on Behalf of the DoC