Denied Carnage0205’s Application for Police Officer


- In-game name: Carnage0205
- Age: 17 years old
- Date joined server: 3 months ago
- Current playtime: 8d 18h 0m 51s
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I would like to be PO because I see crime in the city and sometimes officers are too busy dealing with other crimes. I would like to be apart of the process of extinguishing crime in the city. I think this job would suit me because I have past experiences from other rp games (including gta rp) and I know how to deal with certain situations. I would like to help put an end towards new players who think it is okay to commit crimes. I would like to help teach them to not do it, so they can enjoy the server in a passive manner.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring my rapid response time (Elytra and Rockets) to the department, and I can also bring my team working skills with me. Obviously, teamwork plays a huge roll in fighting crime, but I also think having the correct skills for the job, plays an even bigger role. I am active in discord everyday and also the server. And will always be willing to get on to deal with a situation. I am very familiar with the laws in the server so I can always make sure, if people are doing right or wrong. I always treat the new players with respect so they know, that they don’t need to commit crimes just for attention. Having a good friendship or even just a good reputation with the players in the server, helps when you need to let them know that they are doing something wrong.
- Additional Information: Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this application for the Department of Justice role.

Kind regards
- Carnage0205
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Staff member
Speaker of the Parliament
Member of Parliament
Executive Office
Department of Justice
Speaker of Parliament


Sorry, your application for Police Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


I currently don’t see this as being the position best suited for you, but I will keep an eye out and I look forward to your next application if you ever decide to reapply





Sorry, your application for Police Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


I currently don’t see this as being the position best suited for you, but I will keep an eye out and I look forward to your next application if you ever decide to reapply

All good! Thanks bh