Accepted CatchEmAll’s Appication for Entrepreneur Shop access.


- In-game name: CatchEmAll1
- Company name: FC Industries
- Date joined server: August 17th of 2017
- Current playtime: 18 days and 12 hours although it has been reset in the past.
- What does your company specify in? Farming and trading, Mining, Building, Finance, and Real Estate
- How long has your company been operating? Since the beginning of August 2018
- Tell us about your company: We grow crops to trade with villagers for emeralds to fund our companies other projects. Our company projects include mines and buildings. Some examples of current projects are our Royal Atlantis Casino to the left of Spawn, our mine behind the Wild 3 warp, and a shared project which would be Enchanted Hills, a high-end mansion neighborhood. Having access to the entrepreneur shop would give us the ability to sell our emeralds and mined ores to fund our projects and further build our company as well as hire more employees which also helps to build up the economy.
- Additional Information: Thank you for taking the time to read and review my application.