Clarify the definition of corruption to close loopholes
The Council of Ministers enacts:
Section 1. Short Title
(1) This Act is the CBC Act.
Section 2. Commencement
(1) All Provision(s) shall come into effect upon passage.
(2) Upon passage of this bill the Corruption Act will immediately be amended to reflect the following changes set forth within this bill.
Section 3. Reasoning
(1) Currently there is a loophole to corruption as anything a Minister does that benefits the whole server which includes themselves could be considered corruption.
Section 4. Clarification
(1) Amend Section 6 of the Corruption Act to:
(1) Any lawyer may bring forth a case of corruption in court against any government official or employee.
(2) A government official or employee is only benefiting from their government position if they are the sole person benefiting from their position. If they are using their position to benefit the entirety of the server which includes that person as well it is not corruption and they may not be sued for that.
Authored by Ryan_88 on behalf of the people.
Clarify the definition of corruption to close loopholes
The Council of Ministers enacts:
Section 1. Short Title
(1) This Act is the CBC Act.
Section 2. Commencement
(1) All Provision(s) shall come into effect upon passage.
(2) Upon passage of this bill the Corruption Act will immediately be amended to reflect the following changes set forth within this bill.
Section 3. Reasoning
(1) Currently there is a loophole to corruption as anything a Minister does that benefits the whole server which includes themselves could be considered corruption.
Section 4. Clarification
(1) Amend Section 6 of the Corruption Act to:
(1) Any lawyer may bring forth a case of corruption in court against any government official or employee.
(2) A government official or employee is only benefiting from their government position if they are the sole person benefiting from their position. If they are using their position to benefit the entirety of the server which includes that person as well it is not corruption and they may not be sued for that.
Authored by Ryan_88 on behalf of the people.