Accepted Codybridgeman's application for Community Coordinator.


In-game name: codybridgeman
- Age: 17
- Date joined server: February 24th 2021
- Current playtime: 14 days, 2 hours, 10 mins and currently 2nd top active player.
- Role you're applying for: Community Coordinator
- Why do you want to be a Community coordinator: id like to apply because as a TourGuide I have learnt many things so far and that is that I like helping new player and make the sever keep players It almost like I get a buzz from it. I have great communication skills as I have been on the sever for a while now I have got my own company and feel like I'm known to the players. It would help me so much more as a Community coordinator as id like to host events and so much more for the severer.
- What can you bring to the Department: As a TourGuide we welcome new players and I love it but this would be an icing on the cake as they may say I could bring good communication skills and good listening. I'm not shy to get involved with tasks that require discord I feel confident that I could be a asset and be the person you are looking for as I'm very active in chat and on this sever in general as I'm top 2 active this month and 3rd past month. if you accept me ill put 110% into all my work as I do for any job.
- Additional Information: Thank you for your time and reading my application. Have a good rest of your day.