Guide Companies Guide

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For Real?

The Company plugin will allow you to create companies and hire other players. It allows the efficient organization of the company's finances and provides information that is always available.

This guide will explain how the plugin works and what you can do with it.

If you want to start a company or would like to be employed by one, please make sure you read the rules found at the bottom of this guide and in the /law carefully. You should also check out the Guide about the Business qualification, as that is needed to start a company.

Basic commands

/cm disband <name> - Disbands the company.
/cm list - GUI interactive list with all companies owned by player
/cm info <name> - Prints default info about the company
/cm hiring <name> - Switches the hiring state
/cm detail <name> - Shows the detail GUI menu. Only for company's staff
/cm leave <name> - Leaves the company
/cm setdesc <name> <new_desc> - Updates company's description
/cm limits - Shows current player's permission limits
/cm help - Shows help menu
/cm addCapital <name> <amount> - Deposits funds to the company's default balance.

Starting a company

Any player that has the business qualification obtained at the university can start a company using /cm create <name> <defaultCapital> - Creates the company with default capital which will be withdrawn from the player's account. Minimum Capital is 500kr.

The player will then be the owner of the company and has access to commands to manage it:

Job Requests
Job Requests can be used to hire people into your company. The owner and manager of the company can send out requests to players if they need to hire people. The player can either accept the request or reject it.

  • /cm request send <company_name> <requested_wage> <text> - Creates a new job request
  • /cm request cancel <company_name> [player] - Removes player's request (using player variable only for admins)
  • /cm request accept <company_name> <player> - Accepts the job request. Players will become employees.
  • /cm request reject <company_name > <player> - Rejects the job request.
  • /cm request list [player] - GUI list of job requests of players. Player variable only for admins
  • /cm request complist <company_name > - Company's GUI list of job requests. Only for company's employees.
Company Ranks

- Owner (Highest rank)
- Manager (Can do most of the things, except market and wage settings)
- Personalist (Can check and process job requests)
- Employee (Without any special permissions)

Managing Employees

Managers also can use these commands:

/cm staff kick <company_name> <player> - Kicks the player from the company (Must have higher rank)
/cm staff promote <company_name> <player> - Promotes the player to higher rank. (Only owners)
/cm staff demote <company_name> <player> - Demotes the player to lower rank. (Only owners)
/cm staff list <company_name> - Shows GUI list of employees.

[/bluetitle]How Stocks Work[/bluetitle]
Stocks are very useful for generating revenue. The company owner has the ability to generate stocks and determine the dividend rate (amount of income % that will payout to shareholders). Players who own stock in a company will not receive dividend payments unless the stock certificate is activated (/cm stock activateAll).

  • /cm goMarket <name> <stocks_amount> <dividend_percent> - This command will put the company on the stock market. Owner can define the number of stocks generated and the dividend percent.
  • /cm stock activate <amount> - Activates the amount of stock certificates you're holding.
  • /cm stock deactivate <company_name> <amount> - Deactivates the amount of your stocks from the company. Generates the certificates.
  • /cm stock activateAll - Activates all of your stock certificates in your inventory. (activates only stocks by one company)
  • /cm stock deactivateAll - Deactivates all of your stocks in your company. Generates the certificates.
  • /cm stock return - Automatically returns all of your certificates to the company. This will remove companies from the stock market. Player has to have all of the stocks released to do this.
  • /cm stock list - Shows GUI list of your stocks.
    Once the company is on the market, it can't be changed unless the owner has all of the stocks released and uses /cm stocks return. This is an anti-scam precaution.
How Review Works

Creating a review can be useful for customers and owners alike. Leaving a review to let the company know of your experience lets the company’s employees know of ways to improve, or places where they are excelling.

  • /cm review create <company_name> <points 1-10> <comment> - Creates a new review
  • /cm review remove <company_name> [player] - Removes player's review (using player variable only for admins)
  • /cm review info <company_name> [player] - Shows info about specific review (your's or player's)
  • /cm review list [player] - Shows your's / player's reviews GUI. Player variable only for admin.


1. You can only own one company or be employed by one company at a time.

2. Only players with the business qualification are allowed to own companies. If your company is related to any existing job (e.g. a brewery would be related to the job brewer) then you have to have that job as the owner. If your company is unrelated to any existing job, it doesn't matter what job you have.

3. If you hire employees for job related tasks they have to have the related job. I.e. if you want to hire somebody to farm for you, they have to be a farmer.

4. If you hire employees for tasks unrelated to any job it doesn't matter what job they have.

5. The company can fire any employee at any time and the employee has the right to leave the company at any time, unless their contract says otherwise.

6. After you start a company in-game, you need to post about the company on the forums under the “Companies” category.

7. If you hire an employee, post an employment contract as a reply to your company post with the conditions you have agreed on.


1. "I can't start a company!!"
- You need to be an entrepreneur in order to start a company. If you are one already and still can't do /entrepreneur on and make sure its on.

2. "An internal error has occured while performing this command"
- Usually means the command or company name wasn't entered correctly.

3. "My company is gone!"
- A company goes away when you go below your default capital. Say you do /cm create Test 1000, if you company's capital drops below 1000 your company will go under and the remaining capital will go into your balance.

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