- In-game name: cookies5451
- Time-Zone (optional): AST
- Age (optional): 12
- Date joined server: Nov 6 2021
- Current playtime: 12h 24m
- Why you want this job: I am very interested in nature and animals, they bring me joy. I love working in the outdoors, as its like my second home. I'm joining the DoA to begin my career and to start my journey towards Agriculture Secretary. I think that job is a good fit for me, and I believe that this job is the first step towards that position.
- Additional Information: Thank you for reading my application and considering me for the position of Ranger
- Time-Zone (optional): AST
- Age (optional): 12
- Date joined server: Nov 6 2021
- Current playtime: 12h 24m
- Why you want this job: I am very interested in nature and animals, they bring me joy. I love working in the outdoors, as its like my second home. I'm joining the DoA to begin my career and to start my journey towards Agriculture Secretary. I think that job is a good fit for me, and I believe that this job is the first step towards that position.
- Additional Information: Thank you for reading my application and considering me for the position of Ranger