Lawsuit: Dismissed Countersuit: girl3dogs vs GRlFFlN

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I, TheGiratina, will be representing girl3dogs in this countersuit as requested because she is not allowed to have a forums account. Now, before I begin, I wish no ill will on the defendant, Mr. GRlFFlN's lawyer. I believe she as told some lies about the story and started the case based on what she was given. The incident occurred yesterday on June 18, 2019 My client was murdered twice by this madman, calling himself "city gang" before she herself and other players took matters into their own hands as no officers were there to dispute it for her. Now, Your Honor, I was a witness to the first murder of my client, and I even called out the defendant at that time, see Exhibit A. He also killed a Mr. ShadowLink17, who I am not adding into this countersuit. Also, Your Honor, the first murder my client was afk during so how would she have killed him, see as well Exhibit A. In Exhibit B, you can see my client states she didn't bring her sword out, and yet, he threatens her again here. In Exhibit C, you can see my client was not the only one who was after the defendant at this time as well. When an officer arrived on the scene (server), you can see his story quickly changes from being city gang to being the victim, see Exhibit D. And, Your Honor, this is from my personal chat logs. If Officer DragonSpice that arrived may first present evidence of the murders further; I would request he please do so. As you can clearly see, Your Honor, for the incident, my client wants nothing more than an apology and a promise that he has learned his lesson, and though not stated, that his lawsuit be dismissed, see Exhibit E for verification. Thank you for your time this fine day.

Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
Exhibit D:
Exhibit E:
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The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
Dismissing court case at the Plaintiff's request.

Court Dismissed

This case was presided by Judge Matty707
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