Guide Court Rules


Speaker of the Parliament of the Stratham Republic
Speaker of the Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Economy
Department of Public Affairs
Speaker of Parliament


Suborning Perjury is illegal. It is illegal to provide statements, testimony, or documents that are untrue to the court.
Doing so may result in the following punishments:

1st Offense: 500kr Fine.
2nd Offense: 1000kr Fine + temporary disbarred for 1 month.
3rd Offense: 1250kr Fine + permanently disbarred.

Contempt of Court​

Disobeying lawful orders of the court or acting in a manner inconsistent with rules set out within this document is illegal. Anyone who commits those acts are guilty of Contempt of Court. Examples of this could be failing to appear in court after a Judge has issued a Writ of Summons, failing to follow a order from a Judge.
The following are punishments for this crime:

1st Offense: 250kr Fine.
2nd Offense: 500kr Fine.
3rd Offense: 1000kr Fine + 10 minutes Jail.

Influencing a Federal Judge​

Attempting to bribe, protest, or threaten a Judge to influence an outcome of an ongoing court case or otherwise is illegal.
The following are punishments for this crime:

1st Offense: 1000kr Fine + 10 minutes jail + temporarily disbarred for 1 month.
2nd Offense: 1500kr Fine + 15 minutes jail + temporarily disbarred for 3 months.
3rd Offense: 2000kr Fine + 20 minutes Jail + permanently disbarred.

Miscellaneous rules​

Please follow all Businesscraft rules while in Court. Act respectfully and always address the presiding Judge as "Judge" or "Your Honor". Failing to comply with these rules may result in being held in Contempt of Court.

In the unfortunate circumstances where you have foolishly broken these rules and have been disbarred permanently, luckily for you, you may appeal the disbarment to the Supreme Court.

Procedure for Appealing Disbarment​

The plaintiff will file appeal to the Supreme Court with the format below. The Attorney General will answer to the appeal stating either their approval of the appeal or their objections. If the Attorney General objects, the case will proceed to trial where the plaintiff will provide to the court evidence of their reformation and why they will not act in the manner that got them disbarred in the first place ever again. The Supreme Court reserves the final decision to approve or deny an appeal.

In The Supreme Court of The Stratham Republic
Appeal of Disbarment

Plaintiff's Attorney


Stratham Bar Association

I. Reasons for Disbarment

II. Reasons for appeal
Give a detailed statement for why you feel you should be given a second chance

In advancing this form to the court, you acknowledge and concur with the rules of court which highlight the importance of honesty at all times. Moreover, you understand the punishments for breaking these rules and/or committing perjury and deception in the court.

In The Supreme Court of The Stratham Republic
Answer to Appeal

Plaintiff's Attorney


Attorney General

I. Opinion of the Attorney General
The Attorney General objects to the appeal on the grounds below." or "The Attorney General has no objections to the appeal."

II. Grounds for Objection
If you have no objections delete this section


In advancing this form to the court, you acknowledge and concur with the rules of court which highlight the importance of honesty at all times. Moreover, you understand the punishments for breaking these rules and/or committing perjury and deception in the court.