Denied cumcumber ranger aplication


- In-game name: qcumbers
- Age: 13
- Date joined server: April 18
- Current playtime: 20 day 14 hours
- Why you want this job: I want to stop players on the server from messing up the wild because Minecraft can be beautiful if the land isn't destroyed, and I want to stop people from destroying it, rather than not being able to do anything about it. Also I want to see people be punished for leaving their animals alone in the wild, and for having to many animals, and I want to be able to make people suffer for when they don't abide by said laws.
- Additional Information: i did not make fun of your doa in the 30 days in-between my last application do you shouldn't deny just for that, that would be cringe


Mayor of Covington


Sorry, your application for Ranger has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


You do not display the maturity necessary to occupy this position.
