Curtain call comes again


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Executive Office
Department of Public Affairs
Special Advisor

Will Of: violetunknown​


It’s that time, folks. This was something I’d been contemplating for a long time, but some things have been working in my life, and so I suppose it’s going to be a little (well, a lot) earlier than I was anticipating. I had originally planned to make this post in about a year, as I would be off at college and taking advantage of the transition to lock in on my faith and family. However, that plan has changed, and God really impressed on my heart that this needs to happen sooner rather than later, and I guess today’s the day.

Stratham has been my home away from home for over 4 years now, and I’ve had some of the best (and occasionally, worst) times of my life – I’ve made so many friends, and a lot of ya’ll have felt like family to me. I learned a lot about responsibility and reliability over my time. It was my privilege to serve as your deputy prime minister, and as the social media manager for a while there.

I’ll kind of be phasing out for the next couple of weeks, as I finish up any outstanding business with the Social Media team. I have nothing but love for Stratham and I wish ya’lll the best in your next chapter. It is with an air of hesitant finality that I sign off,

Amor sicut luna,


Now then, let’s get to the important business: who gets my stuff?

Legal commitment:​

I DoubbleKerius, do pledge to faithfully execute the orders of this will with the powers granted to me by the testator violetunknown

I violetunknown, give power to DoubbleKerius to carry out my last wishes as per this will to all listed and mentioned within his document.

Formal Listing:​

  • 26-Lakeside-Drive (the Crown Society Club)
  • 35-Seaview-Drive (Jeremy 2.0)
  • 06-Blackwater-Ln (My suburbs home)
  • violetunknown_Region2 (Jehovah Keep, coords= 310/70/2170)
  • 16-Lexford-Hills (The Aquifer)
  • 02-Emperor-Ave (Lexford Suite)
  • Violetunknown_region3 (Yahweh Tower)
  • Nexus Bank Accounts
  • Jollywood Industries Company Savings Account
  • 35,000 12-month Locked Savings Account
  • Personal Savings Account
  • IBC Bank Account (Personal Savings Account)
  • 40,000 krunas from my balance
  • Cash Balance
  • Bank of Stratham Bank Account
  • Deciduous’ s Soul
  • Baby (Located within 06-Blackwater-Ln)
  • Smokey (Located within 06-Blackwater-Ln)
  • Any other animals registered to my name (except Steve)
  • Jollywood Industries Business Registration

Final Declaration of violetunknown:​

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to @DoubbleKerius my property at 06-Blackwater-Ln, my Nexus Bank Personal Savings Account, and any other pets registered to my name that are easily locate-able (except Steve, I’m keeping Steve.) I’m very proud of the great work you’ve done as Prime Minister and in all your other positions. Good luck with your next steps, and in taking care of the munchkins.

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to @veryreal_alex my beloved cat, Smokey, alongside my Nexus Bank 35,000 kruna 12-month Locked Savings Accounts, as well as 40,000 krunas that were intended to open a BrightonBank account. Sorry I won’t get to be one of ya’ll’s first customers.

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to @Tracefais all cash remaining in my balance. Thank you for always helping me sort out plugin issues and just generally being a chill dude.
I, violetunknown, do bequeath to @Evachu my property at 26-Lakeside-Drive. I had such a great time hosting events with you here – I sincerely hope you continue to plan and throw events and that you have a fantastic time, every time.

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to @Kawaibab my property at 16-Lexford-Hills, either for your own use or to resell. I hope it’s coming back to you in a better condition than you sold it to me.

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to @AlienBloom20204 my property at violetunknown_Region3. It’s very rare to find a fellow Christian online these days, especially one that shares a love of writing. Please use your talent to continue to do amazing things.

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to @NetPex my IBC Bank account & beloved pet, Baby. It was a pleasure to work with you as a member of parliament, thanks for all the fun chats.

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to @Selmbab my property at 02-Emperor-Ave. You are a great speaker of parliament.

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to @Cherub54321 my property at violetunknown_Region2, as well as the pink sheep inside for him to eat.

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to Deciduous his soul, which was purchased by me in 2023 for 500 krunas. I hope you do great things, now that you have your soul back.

I, violetunknown, do bequeath to the Jollywood Industries Board of Directors[MegaMinerM, SignalHarbor054, _evachu_, and SpaceSlayer_] my Nexus Bank Business Savings Account, my property at 35-Seaview-Drive, and the Business Registration for Jollywood Industries (to be transferred to another player at the behest of the board).

This isn't really a bequeathing, but @SignalHarbor054 check your mail, I sent you a box of crocs for the museum.
[sorry for pinging all of you guys]

Additional stipulations:​

  • If any inheritor of property does not wish that property, the land is to be sold at auction and the inheritor will receive 90% of the proceeds, with 10% of the proceeds going to the Executor of my estate for facilitating the auction.
  • If any inheritor of a pet does not wish that pet, the animal is to be returned to the animal shelter instead of being delivered to that individual.
  • If any inheritor of cash does not wish that money, than the funds shall be distributed via /pay * in such a manner as to equally distribute the money to all players currently online (preferably with 5 or more players online at the time of the distribution.)
  • If any inheritor cannot be located at the time of my departure, (has a /seen date of 29 days or greater, AND cannot be located via a message on discord or the forums), then the item that they would have inherited shall be given to any player of the executor’s choosing, including himself.
  • All properties that have been bequeathed include any and all chests located on the property locked to my name, unless bearing the name of another player.

Special Messages​

Radwiniscool – It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. I know we had our differences in our time, but it really was genuinely so nice to have been your friend over our time together, and I don’t regret a single minute of it.

Spyrolix – I’m still waiting for the little dinosaur sequels >:(. Love you and wish you the best with your next chapter.

Micki Wicki, 9, & Floofle Doofle – all 3 of you lovely ladies have been fantastic friends to me, and I really treasured our little chats. Praying for ya’ll to do well in your next stage.

ShadowLink17 – A true legend. Love you.

SpaceSlayer_ - I loved to chat about life & DoJ projects. You were a great minister, in both the SHB & the DoJ.

Vroomba – My first boss of a “gov” project, and one of the most egregious victims of my bad-nickname phase. Hope you’re doing well, racecar.

Matthew100x – I can’t thank you enough for introducing me to Stratham’s legal sphere. You’ll never know that our little fireside chats made me so passionate about the subject, and were a big factor in me eventually deciding to become an MP, and then DPM.

MeepdaMeep123, SimplyHarci, theKool_1, FernGrove, SacerVir, & co. – It was great to have our own little family together, thanks for all the good times.

Blacksyth – thanks for being my first boss and getting me into writing on BC.

Topte & Selmbab – I really enjoyed fishing with you, cool dudes all around.
I genuinely wish I could say everything I have in my heart to every person in BC who’s truly changed my life, but we’d be here literally all day. If I didn’t mention you specifically, know that I still love you and I’m still thinking about you, and I’m sure I will be for as long as my body continues to function. To all our new Strathamonians, you are the future. I believe in you. Keep our nation strong.


Department of Public Affairs
Department of Public Affairs
I had a great time with you!! Hope you come back again as soon as you can.
- GoodBye, Violetunknown( how is it unknown tho?)


The one and only.
Staff member
Minister of Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of Justice
Justice Minister
WHAT NOOOOOO, this is wayyyy too early :( you're such an important part of bc; but you know what you need best better than anyone else. Good luck with everything :), we'll miss you.


Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Public Affairs Minister
omg i will miss you so much vi

good luck with college and overall life and i hope you will return sometime again


Minister of Economy
Minister of Economy
Department of Economy
Department of Justice
Economy Minister
I’m terrible at speeches so sorry if this is cringe. Good luck in whatever you attempt later in life. I didn’t really get the time to know you or any of the recently leaving players but I hope we will meet again at some point.

PS I was gonna make a comment about “Strathamonians” but I couldn’t spell it - had to copy paste this one