Deputy Speaker of the Parliament
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Justice
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
So I’m honestly just not feeling the same wag about the server anymore and it’s just not worth my time anymore. With almost every aspect ruined there’s rly no point staying - no more company, no more politics, no more economy, no new players, u name it. So bye.
Will Of
Legal commitment: I Nightmare98765 do pledge to faithfully execute the orders of this will with the powers granted to me by the testator TokyoSAP
I ToykoSAP, give power to Nightmare98765 to carry out my last wishes as per this will to all listed and mentioned within his document.
Formal Listing:
My cash balance
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to bharatj ownership of Walmart and all assets under the company and Co-Ownership of SNN.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to Nightmare98765 5000kr for faithfully executing my will.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to veryreal_alex (human) veryreal_alex (cat). You have no idea how much I laughed writing this one.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to LxSecondary Co-Ownership of SNN.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to Bezzergeezer my Nexus Account and all items in my inventory (except my helicopter).
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath all my alcohol (to be found under 3-Rookfield-Lane in a shulker) to veryreal_yanaev to be drunk in one go.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to ShadowNBA any and all other assets I have (including all the other shulkers except my helicopter!!!).
Saarthigaming - Idk if u can see this but if u do, I have a few things to say. 1, GET THIS GUY UNBANNED BRUH YALL ARE SO SENSITIVE. But on a more serious note u were honestly one of the best players ever u were so nice to me and despite that little hiccup we had when we met this was a fun love-hate relationship that eventually turned into friendship. I’m reading over us beefing in the DoPA channels and laughing rn. U were by far my favorite player - if u do get unbanned don’t listen to what other people say just be you. If they’re sensitive so be it. As for your companies, yk Bharatj is a great guy he’ll take care of it. Luv u pookie.
veryreal_alex - Idk where it all went wrong. We were like great friends and now u won’t talk to me; I take some of the blame for that though. I remember when me u and Smore would just be venting to each other lmao. That was fun. Plsss take care of veryreal_alex (cat) he’s my pookie. Congrats though on DoPA and I genuinely wish you the best. Also BrightonBank (not brightonBank :) was super fun. Bye sugar bear.
Ancastal - Hands down the best minister I’ve ever had. U were the one that introduced me to Stratham’s economy and the DoE. I still remember the feeling of getting accepted to my first gov job (ES) and realizing Stratham had this area that matched my abilities exactly. And you were a great help with taxation and stocks. So uh thanks for that. And thanks for taking everything so well and helping me out in my term even though u were obviously more experienced. And next time I run into a technical issue, my first response will be “CALL ANC!!!”
Smorelel - ur a w chubby boi play badminton with me some time.
Nightmare98765 - honestly I don’t have anything that hasn’t already been said. I’ll def miss though. Also I never managed to rent that sports car from u lmao. I’m gonna miss our Wright.Co vs Itself lawsuits and laughing abt it.
bharatj - tryna do a PM campaign with u was super fun. I rly hope you either open IBC again or get our mega-corporation thing afloat. That would be super fun.
ShadowNBA - U were just super fun in general and I honestly wish we could have had a parliament term together. I’m leaving most of my stuff to u in the hopes that u will continue to try and fix the gov.
LxSecondary - ur a cool guy hope ur plans work out and pls keep my news company alive.
Bezzergeezer - we had some great convos and u make some pretty good logos. Have fun here ig hope it’s better than ur old server.
MegaMinerM - my first employer lmao. I’m telling people my first job is financial advisor for a bank next time they ask :)
Veryreal_yanaev - honestly idk what I was gonna say but ik I wrote ur name down for a reason so keep doing whatever ur doing ig. OH YEA I STILL HAVE LIKE 5K WORTH OF ALCOHOL FROM U LMAO!!!
To the gov in general - parliament gl on the next term hope we can see some improvements. to cab, do something useful this half term.
To staff - thanks for the help. I didn’t write this to complain but yall rly need to think abt some of ur rules they punish people involved with others and some of this stuff literally reflects totalitarianism.
For everyone tysm for the good times
Will Of
Legal commitment: I Nightmare98765 do pledge to faithfully execute the orders of this will with the powers granted to me by the testator TokyoSAP
I ToykoSAP, give power to Nightmare98765 to carry out my last wishes as per this will to all listed and mentioned within his document.
Formal Listing:
My cash balance
- All items in my inventory
- My Nexus Account
- Walmart (all assets)
- 3-Rookfield-Lane
- Any other plots in my /as me
- veryreal_alex (my cat, located in the top floor of 3-Rookfield-Lane)
- Any other money in my name
- Stratham National News Network (SNN)
- Any and all other assets I hold
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to bharatj ownership of Walmart and all assets under the company and Co-Ownership of SNN.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to Nightmare98765 5000kr for faithfully executing my will.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to veryreal_alex (human) veryreal_alex (cat). You have no idea how much I laughed writing this one.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to LxSecondary Co-Ownership of SNN.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to Bezzergeezer my Nexus Account and all items in my inventory (except my helicopter).
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath all my alcohol (to be found under 3-Rookfield-Lane in a shulker) to veryreal_yanaev to be drunk in one go.
I TokyoSAP, do bequeath to ShadowNBA any and all other assets I have (including all the other shulkers except my helicopter!!!).
- If any inheritor of property does not wish that property, the land is to be sold at auction and the inheritor will receive 90% of the proceeds, with 10% of the proceeds going to the Executor of my estate for facilitating the auction.
- If any inheritor of a pet does not wish that pet, the animal is to be given to my executioner.
- If any inheritor of cash does not wish that money, than the funds shall be given to anyone by my executor’s choice.
- If any inheritor cannot be located at the time of my departure, (has a /seen date of 29 days or greater, AND cannot be located via a message on discord or the forums), then the item that they would have inherited shall be given to any player of the executor’s choosing, including himself.
- All properties that have been bequeathed include any and all chests located on the property locked to my name, unless bearing the name of another player.
Saarthigaming - Idk if u can see this but if u do, I have a few things to say. 1, GET THIS GUY UNBANNED BRUH YALL ARE SO SENSITIVE. But on a more serious note u were honestly one of the best players ever u were so nice to me and despite that little hiccup we had when we met this was a fun love-hate relationship that eventually turned into friendship. I’m reading over us beefing in the DoPA channels and laughing rn. U were by far my favorite player - if u do get unbanned don’t listen to what other people say just be you. If they’re sensitive so be it. As for your companies, yk Bharatj is a great guy he’ll take care of it. Luv u pookie.
veryreal_alex - Idk where it all went wrong. We were like great friends and now u won’t talk to me; I take some of the blame for that though. I remember when me u and Smore would just be venting to each other lmao. That was fun. Plsss take care of veryreal_alex (cat) he’s my pookie. Congrats though on DoPA and I genuinely wish you the best. Also BrightonBank (not brightonBank :) was super fun. Bye sugar bear.
Ancastal - Hands down the best minister I’ve ever had. U were the one that introduced me to Stratham’s economy and the DoE. I still remember the feeling of getting accepted to my first gov job (ES) and realizing Stratham had this area that matched my abilities exactly. And you were a great help with taxation and stocks. So uh thanks for that. And thanks for taking everything so well and helping me out in my term even though u were obviously more experienced. And next time I run into a technical issue, my first response will be “CALL ANC!!!”
Smorelel - ur a w chubby boi play badminton with me some time.
Nightmare98765 - honestly I don’t have anything that hasn’t already been said. I’ll def miss though. Also I never managed to rent that sports car from u lmao. I’m gonna miss our Wright.Co vs Itself lawsuits and laughing abt it.
bharatj - tryna do a PM campaign with u was super fun. I rly hope you either open IBC again or get our mega-corporation thing afloat. That would be super fun.
ShadowNBA - U were just super fun in general and I honestly wish we could have had a parliament term together. I’m leaving most of my stuff to u in the hopes that u will continue to try and fix the gov.
LxSecondary - ur a cool guy hope ur plans work out and pls keep my news company alive.
Bezzergeezer - we had some great convos and u make some pretty good logos. Have fun here ig hope it’s better than ur old server.
MegaMinerM - my first employer lmao. I’m telling people my first job is financial advisor for a bank next time they ask :)
Veryreal_yanaev - honestly idk what I was gonna say but ik I wrote ur name down for a reason so keep doing whatever ur doing ig. OH YEA I STILL HAVE LIKE 5K WORTH OF ALCOHOL FROM U LMAO!!!
To the gov in general - parliament gl on the next term hope we can see some improvements. to cab, do something useful this half term.
To staff - thanks for the help. I didn’t write this to complain but yall rly need to think abt some of ur rules they punish people involved with others and some of this stuff literally reflects totalitarianism.
For everyone tysm for the good times