
D.O.X is a landscaping, interior design and basic supplies fulfillment contracting company owned and operated by the majority shareholder, XanderDoxen. Supersuperking owns a minority share of the company and works with us as the Chief Operating Officer.
Our services are offered to private individuals, cities and towns, the government, and corporations. We do not discriminate against clients, or the purpose of the job.
Our Corporate HQ can be located in the Capital City, across from the University, on the 22nd Floor of the White Tower. Exact coordinates are: X: 132, Y: 181, Z: 271. Our Headquarters provides VIP clients with a relaxing lounge with complimentary snacks and drinks.

D.O.X offers a variety of services to our clients, including:
- Interior Design
- Landscaping/Gardening
- Aesthetic Consultant and Appraisal
- Wood/Stone Order Fulfillment

D.O.X is currently: NOT HIRING
D.O.X employs a variety of positions, including landscapers, interior designers, consultants, as well as clerical staff. The various positions have different payment systems, explained below:
Task-Based Payment - Interior Designers, Landscapers and Consultants are paid on a task-by-task basis. For each job, you will earn a percentage of the final payment to D.O.X . This percentage is based on the size and scope of the job as well as the payment - however, you can recieve 'promotions' which means you will always have an additional percentage of the final payout when paid.
Salaried Payment - Clerical staff, Managers and Executives all make salaries, paid out every Friday by Human Resources.
Employment brings a variety of benefits, including health coverage, free living accommodations and more.

The following individuals are employees or direct affiliates with D.O.X:
XanderDoxen, Owner and Chief Executive Officer
Supersuperking, Shareholder and Consultant
JohanSmidt2005, Client Services Manager
SpritesCherry_, Human Resources Manager
sheepsLOL, LiveWork Coordinator
Iamjulietcash, Order Fulfillment Associate
xEndeavor, Interior Designer
Tobigames88, Receptionist
Doggofan, Order Fulfillment Associate
Bangladesh120, Interior Designer
ZionPlayz, Interior Designer
Jachu044, Public Relations Agent
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