Answered / Added Dead Bush Custom Crafting Recipe


- Username: Taylor1249
- Suggestion Title: Dead Bush Custom Crafting Recipe
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.):

Hello everyone, I'd like to propose a new crafting recipe. I'm a newly-appointed Landscaper for the DOA and I'm currently revamping a desert nearby Warp 4. I want to bring this biome back to its former glory. My only setback is the dead bushes that come with an appealing Desert biome. How can I restore one biome without taking dead bushes from another? I propose a custom crafting recipe for Dead Bushes. I suggest a recipe that takes a few sticks or leaves to craft one dead bush. I believe this will bring us one step closer to a pretty wilderness. Thank you.


Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs
I'm pretty sure lumnas root can also be placed as dead bush's along with the other drugs that look like dead bush. All you need to do is smelt vines, or a certain type of leaves I'm not sure