Important Department of Health | General practitioner


Staff member
Department of Justice
Department of Public Affairs
General practitioner

General Practitioner's (GP's), are in charge of managing non-capital hospitals. They also help manage rentable Pharmacies in all hospitals and communicate any issues that the hospitals may have to both the Minister and Mayor.

-Must have joined the server a minimum of 3 weeks ago
-Must have been a Doctor for 4 weeks
-Have at least 12 hours of playtime
-Minimum /bcseen of 6 hours maintained
-Must have Discord.
Pay: 30 Krunas per 15 minutes of online time with additional monetary bonuses if granted by the Minister.

If you want to apply for this job, follow these steps:

1. Copy the format below:

- In-game name:
- Date joined server:
- Current playtime:
- Current /bcseen:
- How long have you been a Doctor:
- Why do you want to be a General practitioner:
- Additional Information:

2. Go back to the Department of Heath forum.
3. Create a new thread titled "[Username]'s application for General practitioner" with the Pending prefix. Example: "_Evachu_’s application for General practitioner".
4. Paste in the format and fill it in.
5. Post your application and wait for the Minister's response.

Thanks to Wolfie for the main idea and major help with publishing it
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