Important DoPA Job Application | Tour Guide

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Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Public Affairs Minister
DoPA Job Application | Tour Guide
In this forum you can apply for the Tour Guide job. Tour Guides are in charge of (new) player tours to ensure that the (new) players have a good understanding of the server and are able to navigate their way round to key locations.

Pay: 400kr per tour. If the tour is going to end earlier, the pay will be the percentage of the tour completed of the 400kr. Additional monetary bonuses can also be given if granted by the minister.

If you want to apply for this job, make sure you have joined the server at least 4 weeks ago and have at least 24 hours of playtime. You must also have a discord account and be a part of the DoPA discord server. If you meet these qualifications and believe you are a good candidate for this job, follow these steps:

1. Copy the format below:

- What‘s your in-game name?
- When did you join the server for the first time?
- What is your current playtime?
- Why would you like to be a Tour Guide?
- What you can bring to the Department?

2. Go back to the Tour Guide Applications forum.

3. Create a new thread titled "[Username]'s application to be a Tour Guide".

Example: "veryreal_alex's application for Tour Guide"

4. Paste the format and fill it in.

5. Post your application and wait patiently for the minister's response.

I wish you good luck!
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