Accepted Dr_Clare's Application for Hospital Secretary


- In-game name: Dr_Clare
- Age: 13
- Date joined server: 10 months ago
- Current playtime: About 33 hours
- How long have you been a Doctor: For a few months now.
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary: I have always been interested in helping people. I've always liked the challenge, and what I can do to help others. When I first went to do the Doctor test, it wasn't open. I waited ages for it to be open up again, throughout that time I was reading the laws and everything I needed to know about becoming a doctor on this server. Once it had opened, I did the test and although I failed a couple times due to stupid mistakes, I passed. I was so happy, I can remember the whole process. I went through training, and I fell in love with the job. I started helping others who were new doctors, and help them to hopefully fall in love with the job. I have such a passion for this job, that I have a few ideas I want to bring in for the DoH!
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring excitement for new doctors. I can bring ideas to which I hope some can agree with, but most of all I can bring my passion further and to share it with others. All together I just want to help the patients feel welcome in the hospital and give them good service and to help new doctors who may be struggling on their first couple of patients.
- Additional Information: As young as I can remember in real life, I've always wanted to be a doctor and this is something I hope I can bring onto the server! I love the job a doctor does, but I also want to help the hospital and share ideas to the government.