Denied Dwerpy's cc application


Daddy Dwerpy
- In-game name: Dwerpy

- Age: 15

- Date joined server: 3 months ago

- Current playtime: 25d 1h 8m 8s

- Role you're applying for: Community Coordinator

- Why do you want to be a Community coordinator: The reason why I want to be a community coordinator Is because I love going to events (bcmma, bcaa, bcsl) and even hosting them (bcvl)! I play a big role and all of these events, and I play a big role in the community as well! Id love to take this 1 step further and become a community coordinator, also as an ex-tour guide I can watch over them easily see what they do right or wrong!
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring Maturity, responsibility and I always try to be happy!

-Maturity: I can bring maturity sometimes, sometimes in when I'm not doing anything I like to mess with my friends, BUT when I'm doing something VERY important like my job I take full maturity!

-Responsibility: I can do things On time and quick, I love helping people and especially doing my job when I'm doing something like my job I take full responsibility.

- Additional Information: Codes I have one question WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE IT DOESNT COME NATURALLY




Sorry, your application for Community Coordinator has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Thanks for applying. Unfortunately, I don't really have the need for a new CC right now. 4 is a pretty good number, I don't need a fifth. Also, the only experience you had to offer was BCVL, which isn't even officially a thing yet. If you want to run your own private events, the DoPA offers recourses such as the private event grant. Please build up your resume and apply again later.
