Denied Dwerpys PO application


Daddy Dwerpy
- In-game name: Dwerpy

- Age:15

- Date joined server: around march 12th

- Current playtime: 3ds

- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: The reason why I want to be a police officer is because I think I help the server already, i help the new players all the time I was a tour guide and I know my way around. I always do my job, I also want the server to be a chill and active place and to help people in every way I can. I've been playing business craft for mostly 2 weeks 12 hours every day going to bed at 3 am every day, as you can see I am very experienced at what i am doing, I just want it to be a amazing place to play on for the new players and the old players, i will do whatever i can

- What can you bring to the Department: I will make sure there is no pvp that a player did not consent too, I will talk to that play thoroughly so they don't do it again, If they obey that talk we had they will get an extended punishment, I will keep a good eye out on this, and i will also make sure there are a decent majority of PO’s online During day or night.

- Additional Information: I don't know what else to say but this would be an amazing job for me and I would help out the DOJ, and I will give my 100% towards the DOJ. Thank you for reading my application and I appreciate it.
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Good Luck man!


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Sorry, your application for Police Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Ok here we go. As a tour guide currently you have been accused multiple times of general toxicity, and even if this is not true, I wouldn’t want someone with that reputation to represent the department. Sleeping at 3am every day doesn’t make you experienced. Nobody can make sure there is no unconsented pvp the job of a PO is to punish those murders that are unconsented. Ok I don’t understand the sentence after that. You can only make sure you are online you can’t make sure there are a good number of POs online at any given time. You also have recently joined so I would like for you to gain some more experience first. I appreciate your interest in the DoJ and I look forward to your next application
