Denied Enviroment Manager

In-game name: ElectricPanda14
- Age: 18
- Date joined server: August 14 ( not 100% on that)
- Current playtime: unsure how to check but it has to be about 15-20 hours
- Why you want this job: I would like to become an Environment Manager because I care about the wild and animals. As a farmer i have a natural likening towards nature and animals. i live in the wilderness at the moment and around the spawn is completely wrecked and id love to play a part in making that like it used to be at its full potential.

Thanks for your time and consideration, I look forward to your response



Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Department of Internal Development
Mayor of Lexford
I'm going to deny this for now, you don't meet the requirement for having joined at least 2 weeks ago. However I do hope to see another application from you when you do! Thanks for applying.
In-game name: ElectricPanda14
- Age: 18
- Date joined server: August 15
- Current playtime: 1D 16H
- Why you want this job: I would like to become an Environment Manager because I care about the wild and animals. As a farmer i have a natural likening towards nature and animals. i live in the wilderness at the moment and around the spawn is completely wrecked and id love to play a part in making that like it used to be at its full potential. I've applied for this position before a bit ago and i was told i have been on the server for a ,minimum of 2 weeks, well the long awaited day has come and my 2 week point is in 2 hours of this application, by the time you get to this that requirement will be fulfilled

Thanks for your time and consideration, I look forward to your response


In-game name: ElectricPanda14
- Age: 18
- Date joined server: August 15
- Current playtime: 1D 16H
- Why you want this job: I would like to become an Environment Manager because I care about the wild and animals. As a farmer i have a natural likening towards nature and animals. i live in the wilderness at the moment and around the spawn is completely wrecked and id love to play a part in making that like it used to be at its full potential. I've applied for this position before a bit ago and i was told i have been on the server for a ,minimum of 2 weeks, well the long awaited day has come and my 2 week point is in 2 hours of this application, by the time you get to this that requirement will be fulfilled

Thanks for your time and consideration, I look forward to your response
You need to make a new thread