Answered / Added /exams QoL


Department of Construction
Department of Construction
- Username: P_Gabor
- Suggestion Title: /exams
- Elaborate: This is not a rework of the exam system, much rather a quality-of-life improvement. Many players have been asking in chat how to end the exam they started. We just reply spam /exams a, but that can’t be a permanent solution. We just hope that they fail, and that the correct answers are not a.
It might occur that someone was answering the exam questions and realized that he no longer wants to do this job, and there is no one online who could tell him how to leave the exam. We can’t just hope that they will spam random answers until the exam finishes because there might be 20 more questions and who wants to work on failing a test regardless.
I suggest the command(s) /exams end, /exams finish, /exams fail, /exams quit for the above-mentioned reasons.
After executing one of the commands, all your ongoing exams would be failed regardless your answers given before it. You would not get any indication on how the exam(s) went just a message telling you that you exited from all your ongoing tests.
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin: no
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin:
- Additional Information: If this gets added make sure to but the commands on a sign and add it to the university tutorial. Thanks