Lawsuit: Adjourned FibCorp V. Mr Gentlemen

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Your Honor,

Hello, Your Honor, I am Cooleagles2005, Partner Attorney with Inperium & Partners and today I will be representing my client FibCorp where we will be suing Mr Gentlemen for a broken contract. We ask for the following, your honor,

  • 19,000kr from the balance of Mr.Gentlemen to be given to builder John_VVick or Tova
  • An additional 500kr for the legal fees, time spent, and any damages gained from this incident
My client was approached by MrGentlemen on the 17th of November, tasked with designing a Mock Design for a 1:1 scale of Disney’s Contemporary Resort (An image can be provided if deemed needed). A final version of the contract was presented and signed by MrGentlemen on the 22nd of November (Ev. 1). All was going normal until over a month later on the 31st of December did my clients realize MrGentlemen had left the server. Additionally he had blocked his associate, and left everyone clueless as he had walked out on payment (Ev. 2 & 3). The Mock design was claimed to be 95% complete by my clients (Ev. 4), and totaled to be 20,000kr (Ev. 5). As per section 2 of the contract my clients are to be paid for the 95% that has been completed on this build (images of the build itself can be provided to prove said percentage if deemed necessary). Section 2 of the contract states the following,

“If you cancel your order after we have done work on your ticket, you must pay us for the work we had done already. Failure to pay us within 7 days of your cancelation will result in a lawsuit.”

It clearly has been well over 7 days of the 31st where he was confirmed to have left the server. Today we are in court to claim the 95% worth of the build from Mr.Gentlemen for hardwork and dedication must not go unrewarded. From simple math is it seen that 95% of 20,000 is 19,000 and that is what we ask. Additionally the plaintiffs do ask for 500kr for legal fees, time spent, and possible damages. I would also like to make a new additional note. After looking at
DerpGaming20_YT Vs. International Business Craft Company (IBC), this furthers the idea that Mr Gentlemen had left out of no where, for his company was left without any signs of leadership. Thank you and I hope this pleases the court, your honor.


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@Mr. Gentleman is hereby summoned to the court to acknowledge the case. If the Defendant, @Mr. Gentleman, does not acknowledge the case as a reply in 2 days, the case will close in the Plaintiff's favor.

Court is in Session

This case is presided by Judge Matthew100x Bear in mind to not reply to court cases unless summoned by the Judge!


The defendant has elected to not respond. After reviewing the evidence it's clear that Mr. Gentlemen broke the contract.

I hereby ask the DoJ @ReaperEduardo to transfer 19,000 from Mr. Gentlemen's personal account to Fibcorp and an additional 500 to Cooleagles2005 for legal fees.

I am authorizing the government to seize Mr. Gentlemen's assets to pay off his debts if he does not have enough in his personal account to satisfy debts owed.

Case Adjourned

Court Adjourned

This case was presided by Judge Matthew100x
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