Accepted flyingzebra7's Ranger Application


- In-game name: flyingzebra7
- Time-Zone (optional): EST
- Date joined server
: Nov 27, 2021
- Current playtime: 2 weeks+
- Why you want this job: I want this job because I believe I am fit to work with nature and animals on BC. I implement myself with animals and nature throughout BC and irl all of the time, and the Ranger position would give me the chance to actually work on projects that have to do with agriculture. I don't know how else to describe it, I am very passionate for agriculture, everywhere.

I have worked as a Landscaper a couple times before. A while back, I helped to terraform Westridge and take the side of a highway that was completely messed up and turn it into a rest stop. These projects were generally fun to me, getting to take wastelands and turn them into a wildlife paradise if you will. I would like to do this as a Ranger, and even if I don't get accepted I will continue to as a Landscaper.

All in all, I would like to be a Ranger to express my compassion of wildlife and bring it to BC. I believe I would do great as a Ranger, and help the DoA with the fun agricultural projects for all of BC to experience.
- Additional Information: Thank you for taking the time to read my application, and I look forward to working if I get accepted.


Staff member
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Internal Development


Congratulations, flyingzebra7! Your application for Ranger has been accepted.
