Denied FunPowerGirl's Application for Ranger


- In-game name: FunPowerGirl
- Age: 13
- Date joined server: October 30th, 2020
- Current playtime: 3d 23h 30m 29s
- Why you want this job: I want this job because I feel like people are destroying random things in the Wilds and they are not taking good care of them besides the EMs. I feel like more effort needs to go into preserving the natural state of the all of the warps and I want to be a part of that. In addition, people are killing animals randomly for no purpose and it makes me feel sad. The animals did nothing to harm them and they are just killing innocent Minecraft lives. I know that I am being a little serious about this, but it's true. I had a chicken named Mr. Nuggets and he was staying at my friend's house for a time, and someone broke into her house and killed him. This should not happen. Granted, he could have also escaped himself, but we should all be more careful.
- Additional Information: I try to have a very positive attitude, and I will be a friendly face where ever I can. I will be as helpful as possible and I will be attentive on the server. I try to make people feel welcome on the server. I do have a discord account for easy contact. Thank you for considering me for this lovely position. Have a wonderful, amazing, positively SPLENDID day. :D Bai! :3


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Department of Internal Development
Mayor of Lexford


Sorry, your application for Ranger has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Thank you for applying, however we do not feel like you're ready for this position.
