Denied GoodMorning9's Police Officer Application

- In-game name: GoodMorning9
- Age: Not comfortable sharing
- Date joined server: April 2020
- Current playtime: At least 15 days
- How long have you had the Auxiliary Police job for: At least 2 weeks
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer
: I became an auxiliary police offficer on one of the first days it was available and I have loved it. I enjoy working in the department and collaborating with other auxiliary police officers, as well as police officers. I know that having good police officers is important and I really want to help the DoJ keep everyone safe. I want to be a police officer so I can continue to work with the DoJ and help protect the community.
- What can you bring to the Department: In my time as an auxiliary police officer, I have gotten very familiar with the commands. I have been in several situations where I have had to use the commands and I have gotten first hand experience with all of them. I feel like I have worked well with my fellow DoJ members in that time. I am a hardworker, I am dedicated, and I understand the importance of the work that police officers do. Also, as a lawyer, I am very familiar with laws and how they are supposed to be enforced. I have a great understanding of laws and I think I could help the DoJ.
- Additional Information: Thank you for considering me!


Department of Internal Development
Mayor of Covington


Sorry, your application for Policer Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Thank you for applying, however we would like you to to stay as an Auxiliary Police member for a bit longer so that you can gain more experience in the department
