Denied GoodMorning9's Ranger Application

- In-game name: GoodMorning9
- Age: Not comfortable sharing
- Date joined server: April 2020
- Current playtime: At least 15 days
- Why you want this job: In the past I have been a landscaper several times, and I have really enjoyed my time working at the DoA. I previously did some wild cleanups, but had trouble uploading screenshots to forums. I have now fixed that problem and I will start uploading reports more. I know an important part of being a ranger is reporting plots for inactivity. As a property inspector I have experience in that field and I am very updated with property laws and the processes of evictions. I am also aware of the differences between reporting city and wild plots. I believe I can be a good ranger because I understand the importance of preserving our wild, and I believe I would work with well in the DoA.
- Additional Information: Thank you for your Consideration!


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Department of Internal Development
Mayor of Lexford


Sorry, your application for Ranger has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Thank you for applying. However, after a slightly strained relationship with the department in the past, we would like to see you grow slightly more in the community.
