Denied GroggyGo's Application for Environment Manager


- In-game name: GroggyGo
- Age: Not comfortable sharing
- Date joined server: May 8th 2021
- Current playtime: 14hrs
- Why you want this job: I would like to apply for an Environment manager because I want to open more opportunities to people that may want to make a build or a job in the wilderness. And due to the current state of the wilderness (Especially near spawn) the wilderness doesn't look the best in most of the warps. So my main goal as an Environmental Manager would be to demolish builds that have been griefed and replace the land with fresh grass, trees, and hope that another person can make that a nice home and over all better place than it previously was. But looking back to what I said at the beginning of my application when mentioned how people may want to have a job in the wilderness. The jobs you can do in the wilderness are very limited, the best being the hunter in my opinion. But even that comes with it's downsides, like having grinding penalty's and such. I would very much like to plant more trees in the wilderness, and possibly making a place dedicated to trees near wilderness spawns so players that are trying to get wood for their job or build can having a easy time doing so compared to going out farther to chop down one tree or having to purchase wood in the city. So all in all I would greatly like you(the reader) to consider accepting me into the Department of Agriculture as a Environment Manager. And if you wish to assign me to do a different type of work then I have suggested I will gladly do so.
- Additional Information I have formally played in a similar server to this one called Democracy Craft so I do have experience with these tasks so if I many ask ignore my playtime as I am generally new to this server. But I don't plan to quit.

And if you are wondering I quit Democracy Craft because I didn't see any restrictions on what style of house to build in the suburbs. And Since I built a more rustic style of house I was evicted and I spent quite a lot of money on that plot, and building the house itself.


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Department of Internal Development
Mayor of Lexford
Hello, I would like to ask if you have discord before I consider your application. Thank you for applying!


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Department of Internal Development
Mayor of Lexford


Sorry, your application for Environment Manager has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Thank you for applying, however I do not feel as though you're ready/interested in this position.
