Denied Imperalist’s Hospital Secretary Application


Department of State
Department of State
Department of Economy
Department of Public Affairs
- In-game name: Imperalist

- Age: 15

- Date joined server: June 13th, 2024

- Have you been a doctor before: Yes, I am Currently a doctor

- Current Playtime: 1w 2d 8h 56m 17s

-Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary: I Want to be a Hospital Secretary because I Would Love to work with the Health Department and Train Doctors and Make it a better community and Help with Other HS and Doctors and I have been a Doctor for Quite some time now and I have Long Experience I think I am ready to move on to my Stage and I am a really good Helper so I can help People with Cures/Treatment and I would Like to Train the doctor Trainees.

- What can you bring to the Department: I am a Problem Solver so I think I could help the Department. I will bring Respect and Helpfulness into the Health Department and Make a Better Community into the Hospital, and I can Manage new Employees and Train them and organize the Department and I am a Really Quick Learner. I am Really Often at Most times. I can Solve Issues and do Improvement to the Department of Health and I have a Great Service with other Patients.

- Additional Information: I am Superman :o
Last edited:


Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Justice
Department of Public Affairs
Health Minister
Under review


Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Justice
Department of Public Affairs
Health Minister


Sorry, your application for Hospital Secretary has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


The department would like to see more maturity before accepting you for this role
