- In-game name: Jeely1234295
- Timezone: GMT+2
- Date joined server: 28 November 2021
- Current playtime: 2 Weeks
- Why do you want to be a Trainee Officer: I have been on bc for a year and noticed tins of crime. I would like to assist the doj in preventing crime and bring criminals to justice
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring my skills and time to help serve bc and make it a better and safer place
- Additional Information: N/a
- Timezone: GMT+2
- Date joined server: 28 November 2021
- Current playtime: 2 Weeks
- Why do you want to be a Trainee Officer: I have been on bc for a year and noticed tins of crime. I would like to assist the doj in preventing crime and bring criminals to justice
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring my skills and time to help serve bc and make it a better and safer place
- Additional Information: N/a