Billboard 1 of 2
In-Game Name: kailabeann
- Company Name (if applicable): Apex Butchery
- Size of Billboard: 2 x 2
- Location of Billboard: oc-069 | 3933 / 66 / 816
- Picture of Advertisement: Attached
- Current Balance: 303k
Billboard 2 of 2
In-Game Name: kailabeann
- Company Name (if applicable): Apex Butchery
- Size of Billboard: 2 x 2
- Location of Billboard: lf-02 | -1029 / 85 / 238
- Picture of Advertisement: Attached
- Current Balance: 303k
In-Game Name: kailabeann
- Company Name (if applicable): Apex Butchery
- Size of Billboard: 2 x 2
- Location of Billboard: oc-069 | 3933 / 66 / 816
- Picture of Advertisement: Attached
- Current Balance: 303k
Billboard 2 of 2
In-Game Name: kailabeann
- Company Name (if applicable): Apex Butchery
- Size of Billboard: 2 x 2
- Location of Billboard: lf-02 | -1029 / 85 / 238
- Picture of Advertisement: Attached
- Current Balance: 303k