Pending KatieWasHere's application for ranger <3


- In-game name: KatieWasHere
- Date joined server: I joined around August of 2021 (like aug 7th or something around that) (On an old account named MysticalCuddles. Had situation with Mojang switching so thats why I had to move accounts)
- Current playtime: 1w 6d 11h
- Role you're applying for: RANGERRRR (Ty Micki <3)
- Why do you want to be a <role you're applying for>: Well, I am very active on the server and I always try my best to respect everyone the best I can. I know that for Ranger job, they want more active people and I am one of those people who come online here and then usually for a few hours. I am great at organizing, keeping up with things and getting them done. I am a great fit for Ranger as I love nature, and even animals (even having a ton of animals but we don't mention that) I'd be an awesome fit because of how active I am, and how organized I am. I'd love to be more involved in BC and having a gov job will help me get more involved with BC. I have been on for years so I think I know BC like the back of my hand.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring a lot of dopamine, and even suggesting players who I think would be a great fit to join.
- Additional Information: I don't quit, I just improvise.
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