Accepted kl_22's application for Environment Manager


- In-game name: kl_22
- Age: can someone dm me for this, I am not comfortable sharing my age on the forum
- Date joined server: 1 month ago
- Current playtime: 6 days, 21 hours

- Why you want this job: The main attraction I have to this job is that I would be able to help repair the wild to its former state. As I have a ranch and farm about 300 blocks into warp 3, when I run to my house I pass a lot of places where all the dirt has been removed and there is just stone left behind. I also remember that when I first joined BC a month ago, outside of the warp was quite a disaster; Players had gone mining just outside of the protected zone and left huge gaping holes in the ground. Some of these holes had gone down over 20 blocks and I had fallen in them by accident on many occasions and died. While I repaired the surface of some of these holes, new ones have already been created and are bigger than ever. I would really like to be an Environment Manager so I can exponentially increase the help I can give to repair the wild.

As an Environment Manager I would also love to help the animals of the server because I love animals in real life too. And even though the animals in Minecraft are not real, it is still extremely sad and upsetting to see an animal getting abused. So in BC, when I see a small four by four area with 10+ animals packed into that tiny space it is frustrating to me that someone would do that to their animals that they are benefiting off of. Additionally, as I am currently a tour guide of the server, I know that for a lot of new players their favorite thing to do is to adopt a new pet at the shelter. It would be really fun for me to help out with this task as well because of the joy it brings some new players and because I think it is so cool how if we find an abandoned pet somewhere, we bring them to the shelter to get them a new home.

- Additional Information: I would love to be an EM because it would give me more potential to help repair the wild, it would further allow me to help out the new players in the server, and I would be able to help stop the animal abuse on BC. Thank you for reading my application, my discord is kl_22#1317
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Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs
Good luck kl!!!!


Mayor of Covington


Congratulations, kl_22! Your application for Environment Manager has been accepted.
