Bill: Rejected Land Acquiring Act

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Department of State
Department of State
Land Acquiring Act


Give power to the Executive Government to repossess private property.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the Land Acquisition Act

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon passage of the bill.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Land may need repossessing for public projects.

Section 4. Definition

(1) Land acquisition is the power of the Executive Government to possess private property and convert it into government use or public use.

(2) The Executive Government is required to provide the property owner with just compensation.

Section 5. Acquisition Process

(1) The process to acquire private land is as follows:

1. The Prime Minister or any other official delegated the duty issues an Intention to Acquire Letter (IAL) to affected landowners, an IAL is an official document from the government which notifies an individual that they own a plot the government wishes to acquire.

2. A Statement of Intention to Acquire Letter will consist of the following specifications:
(a) The plot ID.
(b) The intended utilization of the land.
(c) Justification as to why the land is suitable.

3. Upon receiving an IAL, the landowner may choose to either do one of two things (a) or (b).

(a) The landowner can decide to come to an agreed settlement with the Executive Government, in which case the process will go directly to subsection 4.

(b) If an agreement of compensation cannot be reached, the landowner or Prime Minister can choose to put forward a request to Parliament to review the IAL and determine just compensation in exchange for the land. Parliament will then determine just compensation through the creation of a Land Acquisition Committee (LAC). The LAC will vote on whether or not to allow the acquisition, as well as determining just compensation for the land. The vote will be decided through a simple majority vote (50% rounded up) from all committee members. This decision is legally binding, and the landowner has to accept the decision by the LAC.

4. The Executive Government will acquire the land, and pay the landowner the compensation.

(2) The player may also request re-location of their plot if possible instead of compensation.
  1. The Executive Government may also give reduced compensation and re-locate the player to a different plot.
Section 6. Discontinuation

(1) The Prime Minister may at any time choose to discontinue the acquisition process, which will stop all proceedings and the landowner will keep their land.

Section 7. Exemptions

(1) Towns and cities recognized by the Government will be exempt from this bill.

Authored by Ryan_88 on behalf of the Government of Stratham.


Second Prime Minister of Stratham
Member of Parliament
Nay - What does this bill apply to? Section 7 states that Towns/Cities that are recognized by the government are exempt. This has to include Capital city

Gal The Duck

Department of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Department of Internal Development
Vote: Nay
Reason For mIssIng The vote: Different Timezone