- In-game name: Le_Tet
- Company name: Her Majesty’s Bank
- Date joined server:7/9/2019
- Current playtime: 2h 43m
- Which grant are you requesting: Government Business Grant
- Amount requesting: 5000
- What would the grant be used for? For a bank
- Do you have a detailed plan for the project? The plan is to assist players new and old with financial situations. This could include long term or short term loans. Players could also leave money in the bank with a safe factor of it not being spent and being there when hey request it. A interest would be added onto players if they where to request a loan. This would be based on how long they have played on the server and if they have broke any laws. Players would have a starter of a 12.5% interest into there loan, the longer the period of the the loan the more interest. The lesser period of the load the smaller the interest.
- Additional Information: hopefully aiming to repay the grant within 30-60 working days.
- Company name: Her Majesty’s Bank
- Date joined server:7/9/2019
- Current playtime: 2h 43m
- Which grant are you requesting: Government Business Grant
- Amount requesting: 5000
- What would the grant be used for? For a bank
- Do you have a detailed plan for the project? The plan is to assist players new and old with financial situations. This could include long term or short term loans. Players could also leave money in the bank with a safe factor of it not being spent and being there when hey request it. A interest would be added onto players if they where to request a loan. This would be based on how long they have played on the server and if they have broke any laws. Players would have a starter of a 12.5% interest into there loan, the longer the period of the the loan the more interest. The lesser period of the load the smaller the interest.
- Additional Information: hopefully aiming to repay the grant within 30-60 working days.