Accepted LobsterRoast's HS application


Actually the best
- In-game name: LobsterRoast
- Age: 17
- Date joined server: March 14, 2017
- Current playtime: like somewhere around 3w but I think it was reset at some point
- Have you been a Doctor before: I was the minister
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary: Going to keep this brief because I have like 2 other apps that can also be referenced lol. Honestly in all the time I've been on BC, the Health Sector was always sort of my bread and butter. It was the one thing I sort of tirelessly worked towards. Even outside of the public service sector, I was really the first person to try a large scale pharmaceutical business and make it work. Even after I left the server, the DoH was one part that I never stopped paying attention to, and when it was removed, I was consistently in support of bringing it back and I vocalized my stance on that (albeit maybe in a bit of a non-serious tone, I'll be the first to admit). This department is sort of like my baby in a lot of ways and it'd be fun to be able to contribute to it once again.
- What can you bring to the Department: Years of experience with the department. Over my time on the server, I've begun to fancy myself as someone with a good eye for what sort of things work in regards to public health and what sort of things don't provide the results I hoped. Even when I was Minister, I did make plenty of mistakes and I had to learn from them. In addition, I've quite frankly but a good deal more though into the DoH since I've left than anybody who's inactive on the server probably should. I've done my best to identify key issues with the server's health system and have done my best to identify solutions, and I hope to be able to see the solutions realized.
- Additional Information: I was suggested to apply for this I promise I'm not just doing this out of the blue. Also if jeff is reading this can I have the disease plugin source code pretty please


Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Justice
Department of Public Affairs
Health Minister


Congratulations, LobsterRoast! Your application for Hospital Secretary has been accepted.
