Denied mainiac13's application for Agriculture Secretary

- In-game name: mainiac13
- Age: 20
- Date joined server: September 25, 2021
- Current playtime: 3d
- Why you want this job: I want this job because of my own personal love for the environment, and interest in the farming community of the server. I have served a fair bit of time as a landscaper, with atleast 10-15 of my online hours being on a project. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a landscaper, but I wish to serve the community further. I spend a lot of my current time at the farming district of Capital City, even having two cats that were abandoned in a plot we rented out, adopted into my girlfriend's name.
- Additional Information: I enjoyed being a landscaper, having atleast 12 reports under my belt. I have looked forward to applying for the DoA since becoming one, and now that time is here. I look forward to a hopefully positive response!


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Department of Internal Development
Mayor of Lexford


Sorry, your application for Agriculture Secretary has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


I've been reviewing your application for a good few days now, you can ask any department member. I've decided that you're not ready for this position. Whilst you have shown you're capable of doing Wild Reports and you're fairly engaged in your job, there have been multiple factors that have led me to deny your application. Not only has the position since been filled (Former members of the department were given priority, this was announced), but I believe your communication with the department hasn't been brilliant based on opinions of those I've asked. Furthermore, you have shown impatience when waiting for a response to your application; applications take time to be reviewed. I would love to see you apply again in the future, perhaps as a ranger. However at this given time, I don't think this position is suitable for you.
