Title: Make Brewers Register to Sell Alchohal and Start Breweries
Type of motion (Edit, removal, creation): creation
Elaboration & Reasoning: Since being added, the brewer job has gained lots of attention. Everywhere you look you now see breweries. This may turn into a problem. Even though it makes competition for the other breweries, we are starting to get way to many breweries. This bill would make all brewers take a test and/or register to sell alcohol and start breweries. Through this, only responsible and active brewers would be able to sell alcohol and own bars. In my state, you are forced to register to sell Alcohol and start bars so this would make the server more realistic.
What would benefit from this: Unactive Brewers and breweries would be shut down and would stop over population of breweries across the server.
Other Information: If this bill passes, I could help come up with the test or requirements for the job.
Type of motion (Edit, removal, creation): creation
Elaboration & Reasoning: Since being added, the brewer job has gained lots of attention. Everywhere you look you now see breweries. This may turn into a problem. Even though it makes competition for the other breweries, we are starting to get way to many breweries. This bill would make all brewers take a test and/or register to sell alcohol and start breweries. Through this, only responsible and active brewers would be able to sell alcohol and own bars. In my state, you are forced to register to sell Alcohol and start bars so this would make the server more realistic.
What would benefit from this: Unactive Brewers and breweries would be shut down and would stop over population of breweries across the server.
Other Information: If this bill passes, I could help come up with the test or requirements for the job.