- In-game name: Anonymous_063
- Age: 24
- Date joined server: December 15, 2017
- Current playtime: 21 days 3hrs 24m 40s
- Why do you want to be an Environment Manager: I enjoy working with nature and being part of a department that maintains and preserves the agriculture environment like the forest, animals, and crops. I was involved with the Boy Scouts in which I have learned a lot about the environment and the importance of taking care of it which includes, cleaning campsites when leaving, replanting trees, leaving no trace, etc. All of those knowledge I feel will be a good set of skills to bring to the DoA with that background and my decently long time being here at BC.
- Additional Information: I am actually doing a little agriculture project right now and if it is successful, I would like to add it server wide. Here is the link to my agriculture project. https://www.mcbusinesscraft.com/for...inesscraft-state-park-system.6169/#post-30768
- Age: 24
- Date joined server: December 15, 2017
- Current playtime: 21 days 3hrs 24m 40s
- Why do you want to be an Environment Manager: I enjoy working with nature and being part of a department that maintains and preserves the agriculture environment like the forest, animals, and crops. I was involved with the Boy Scouts in which I have learned a lot about the environment and the importance of taking care of it which includes, cleaning campsites when leaving, replanting trees, leaving no trace, etc. All of those knowledge I feel will be a good set of skills to bring to the DoA with that background and my decently long time being here at BC.
- Additional Information: I am actually doing a little agriculture project right now and if it is successful, I would like to add it server wide. Here is the link to my agriculture project. https://www.mcbusinesscraft.com/for...inesscraft-state-park-system.6169/#post-30768
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