- In-game name: Netpex
- Timezone: PST
- Date joined server (/joindate IGN): May 13, 2019
- Current playtime (/bcseen IGN): 4d
- Why do you want to be a Trainee Officer: I believe Trainee Officer will be a fun and learning opportunity. I enjoy the role-play of the DoJ and can follow instruction and directions well and I can learn quickly. I am also well-versed in the server's laws and rules.
- Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No
- Additional Information: N/A
- Timezone: PST
- Date joined server (/joindate IGN): May 13, 2019
- Current playtime (/bcseen IGN): 4d
- Why do you want to be a Trainee Officer: I believe Trainee Officer will be a fun and learning opportunity. I enjoy the role-play of the DoJ and can follow instruction and directions well and I can learn quickly. I am also well-versed in the server's laws and rules.
- Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No
- Additional Information: N/A